
Common quality problems on power adapters

Common quality problems on power adapters

Release date:2018-01-06 Author:Yang Wei Electronic Click:

1. the mark of the product is incomplete or nonstandard

Industrial power mark should contain important information that guides users to correctly install and use. Marking the product correctly is one of the basic measures to ensure users' personal and property safety. The mark should be durable and visible. The mark should not fall off after normal use and the content should be cleaned. The products sold in China are required to be marked in Chinese simplified. They should contain at least the following information: the name, trademark or identification mark of the manufacturer or distributor; type code or model specification; power supply property; rated power supply voltage range. If the information is not complete, it can't correctly guide consumers to use, and some may even misuse and damage the electronic equipment that they are equipped with. The common problems are no Chinese identification, no factory name or trademark, type code or type specification.

2. power plug is not standard

The provisions of China Household single-phase power plug has no grounding poles and two poles with two forms of grounding, shown the power plug should prevent unipolar insertion in use, which is charged when the plug any plug and socket sleeve pin is inserted timely, accessible state. In the spot check, it is found that there is a phenomenon that the plug is too long, and the length of the bolt is too long to increase the risk of electric shock during the plug - in process. In addition, the shape of the power plug is not consistent with the requirements, because these plugs are not matched with the sockets used in our country, and it is also very easy to cause electric shock to the users.

3. the fever does not meet the requirements under normal working conditions

The power adapter is the role of transforming voltage, voltage in the transformation process due to the existence of loss needs to be part of the power consumption, the electrical energy into heat energy, a part of heat energy to the surrounding environment by radiation, convection and conduction three cooling mode, another part of the heat energy is self absorbed, the power adapter temperature. The heat resistance of insulating materials shows that when the temperature rises to a certain temperature, it will lead to the rapid aging of insulation materials, shorten the test life of products, and cause the safety performance to decrease. In order to ensure safe and normal work, the temperature of the power adapter is controlled in a proper range in normal work.

Related tags:Pluggablepowersupply

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